People behind ASCOBANS: Boris Culik

Name: Boris Culik
Organization: F³: Forschung . Fakten . Fantasie
Country: Germany
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 2000

05 April 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Mark Tasker

Name: Mark Tasker
Organization: part retired, part working for ICES
Country: UK
Involved with ASCOBANS since: Since 1990 (before ASCOBANS started)

27 March 2017

UN Environment Executive Director's Statement on the 25th Anniversary of ASCOBANS

"Whales, dolphins and porpoises are among the most fascinating and iconic creatures on our planet. They migrate even further every year than the millions of people travelling across continents to catch a glimpse of them."

20 March 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Julia Carlström

Name: Julia Carlström
Organization: Swedish Museum of Natural History
Country: Sweden
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 1995

15 March 2017

25 Years ASCOBANS: The Secretariat’s History

The ASCOBANS Secretariat acts as the coordinating body of the Agreement. It evolved from humble beginnings in Cambridge, UK, has moved location a number of times and is today located in Bonn, Germany.

10 March 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Karl-Hermann Kock

Name: Karl-Hermann Kock
Organization: Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Country: Germany
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 1996

28 February 2017

25 Years ASCOBANS: The Outreach and Education Award

Raising awareness and engaging the public is an important aspect of nature conservation. People protect what they care about, and to care, some knowledge is necessary. People power also drives action by governments and the private sector. It is the same for ASCOBANS. Institutions and people throughout the Agreement Area play an important role in spreading the word about threats and dangers to marine mammals, and ways in which each person can help.

22 February 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Monika Lesz

Name: Monika Lesz
Organization: Ministry of Environment, Department for the Nature Conservation
Country: Poland
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 2008

21 February 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Penina Blankett

Name: Penina Blankett
Organization: Ministry of the Environment
Country: Finland
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 1999

14 February 2017

25 Years ASCOBANS: Disentangling the Bycatch Problem

A recent report on the health of the ocean found that worldwide the marine vertebrate population declined by 49 per cent between 1970 and 2012 (see WWF/ZSL Living Blue Planet Report 2015). Globally, an estimated 300,000 small whales, dolphins and porpoises die each year from entanglement in fishing gear. Also in Europe, incidental catch is seen as the greatest threat to small cetaceans. However, the situation is much more complex than one might think.

07 February 2017