People behind ASCOBANS: Christina Lockyer

Name: Christina Helen Lockyer
Organization: Age Dynamics
Country: Denmark / Norway
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 1990

06 February 2017

People behind ASCOBANS: Katarzyna Kamińska

Name: Katarzyna Kamińska
Organization: Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Waterways
Country: Poland
Involved with ASCOBANS since: 2009

01 February 2017

25 Years ASCOBANS: Saving the Harbour Porpoise in the Baltic Sea

From the early days of the Agreement, one population caused scientists, conservationists and governments special concern: the Baltic Harbour Porpoise.

The preamble to the Agreement text negotiated in the early 1990s already makes it clear: “Aware that the population of harbour porpoises of the Baltic Sea has drastically decreased,” and “Concerned about the status of small cetaceans in the Baltic and North Seas”. We have thus known for a long time that harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea are in trouble. Twenty-five years later the problem is not solved yet. But we have come a long way. And the porpoises are still around!

27 January 2017

25 Years ASCOBANS: The Birth of the Agreement

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the opening for signature of the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas (ASCOBANS) in New York on 17 March 1992.
Over the past 25 years, ASCOBANS has provided the framework for international cooperation for the protection of small cetaceans – whales, dolphins and porpoises – in northern and western European waters. But getting the Agreement ready took quite some effort.

20 January 2017

Season’s Greetings from the ASCOBANS Secretariat

This year, our thanks goes to the Hel Marine Station in Poland ( for organizing the competition for the design of the ASCOBANS Season’s Greetings Card.

15 December 2016

6th Meeting of Parties to ACCOBAMS Meets 20 Years on from Agreement’s Signature

The sixth session of the Meeting of the Parties to ACCOBAMS – the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area – is being held in Monaco from 22 to 25 November. This is the third time that the MOP will have been hosted by the Principality of Monaco, which also serves as the Agreement’s depositary and provides the offices of the Secretariat.

23 November 2016

CMS and OceanCare Sign Partnership Agreement

CMS and OceanCare signed a Partnership Agreement today to formalize their cooperation to better conserve aquatic and marine migratory species. CMS Executive Secretary, Bradnee Chambers, and OceanCare President, Sigrid Lüber, signed the agreement in the margins of the 45th Meeting of the CMS Standing Committee taking place from 9 to 10 November in Bonn, Germany.

10 November 2016

Monaco - Champion of Marine Species Conservation – the First Fruits

At the ceremony where the Migratory Species Champion Programme was launched on the eve of the CMS COP11 in Quito in 2014, the Government of the Principality of Monaco received the Champion award for its commitment to the conservation of marine species for the triennium 2015-2017.

14 October 2016

Countries Act to Better Protect Whales and Dolphins from Bycatch, Chemicals and Underwater Munitions

Harbour Porpoises, Orcas and Common Dolphins are exposed to many threats. Bycatch, for example, kills large numbers of marine mammals in fishing nets. Ocean energy installations, leaching chemicals and submerged munitions from the two world wars impact their lives.

01 September 2016

Whale and Dolphin Conservation Honoured for Outreach and Education Efforts

The ASCOBANS Outreach and Education Award was presented to Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC), and accepted on behalf of the organization by its Chief Executive, Chris Butler-Stroud. CMS Executive Secretary Bradnee Chambers presented the award.

30 August 2016